Product Description
Kralska Strawberry Vodka 1L
KRALSKA vodka is produced in Plovdiv, one of the oldest historic cities in the world. Multi-distilled vodka, made from premium quality wheat grown in the richest “Chernozem” soil of South Dobruja and the pristine, clean water of the Plovdiv region.
KRALSKA vodkas are true personalities in the world of drinks. They are characterised by exciting, delicate flavours that make for a great experience when consumed neat. The Kralska family can be used to create a wide range of cocktails, as they are available in many flavours in addition to classic vodka. KRALSKA Vodka Strawberry owes its taste to the strawberry flavour. It tastes and smells as sweet and delicious as fresh summer fruit. We recommend it chilled and garnished with mint leaves for a light yet characterful drink. Serve with a tonic and it is a real refreshment. Enjoy with health!
Tags: Wines, Red Wine, Non-Alcoholic Wine, Sparkling Wine, Bulgaria Wine, Kralska Strawberry, Champagne, Beverages, Vodka
Waziri Product Code: EKU
Additional information
Weight | 6 kg |
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